Tuesday, September 13, 2011



  1. 1kg mutton
  2. 1tbsp garlic
  3. 1tbsp red chilli powder
  4. 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  5. 1tsp garam masala
 nihari masala 
  1. 3 green cardamom
  2. 3 black cardamom
  3. 2 bay leaves
  4. 1tsp cumin seeds
  5. 1tsp black pepper
  6. 3tsp aniseed
  7. 1tsp sonth(dry ginger powder)
  8. 1/4 nutmeg(zaifal)
  9. 4 flakes of mace(zabitri)
  10. 1"cinnamon  

1/2 cup refined oil
2 onions sliced
2tbsp flour
 salt to taste
  • grind all the nihari masala
  • heat oil in a pan or pressure cooker,add sliced onions and fry golden brown.remove them from oil .
  • in the same oil add garlic paste then meat,red chilli powder,turmeric powder and garam masal ,fry them for five minutes.
  • in 1/2 cup curd ,mix nihari masala and crushed fried onion
  • add dahi mixture and salt in meat and fry(bhuno) for 5 minutes.
  • add 3 1/2 cups of water.put the lid and cook it till meat is tender
  • take out meat pieces from gravy
  • dissolve the flour in 1/2 cup of water
  • add the flour paste in the gravy and cook8 minutes keep stirring,check the seasoning.
  • put back the meat pieces in gravy and cook few more minutes .
  • cover the pot and put off the fire .leave it as such for ten minutes .
garnish nihari with chopped coriander leaves, green chilli and ginger.
serve with nan , roti or ricer.

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